I have good neighbors.
They are the kind of neighbors that let you borrow tools and ladders.
The kind of neighbors that cut down your tree and haul it off.
The kind of neighbors that mow your front yard all summer long.
The kind of neighbors that watch your house when you’re gone.
The kind of neighbors that let your kids play in their yard.
Teach them sports.
Take them to Sonic and Andy’s Frozen Custard.
Come to their ball games.
Good neighbors.
That’s what I have.
Neighbors that are heartbroken when they hear you had to put your dog down.
The kind of neighbors that bring you Baskin Robbins ice cream with tears in their eyes so that you can celebrate your dog’s life as a family.
That the kind of neighbors I have.
Good neighbors.
Jennifer Pahlka wrote, “When one neighbor helps another, we strengthen our communities.”
If my neighbors are any indication of the kind of neighbors that live in my community then I can say with confidence that my community is strong.
My neighbors help one another.
God has blessed me.
I have good neighbors.