The Cards My Children Can’t Get Enough Of

Nine days ago my wife and I had the opportunity to attend a marriage conference that was being held at a
local church in our area. The speaker was Ted Cunningham who is the author of several books and the pastor of Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, Missouri. The conference itself was phenomenal and something that I could write and write and write about. However, that is not the purpose of this particular post. This post is to tell you about some devotional cards my wife and I came home with that night and have been using with our children.

During one of the sessions Ted mentioned that several years ago he and his wife had taken every letter of the Alphabet and matched them with an animal mentioned in the Bible. For example, A is for Ant, B is for Bee, C is for Camel etc. Ted and his wife then took the corresponding verse/verses where these animals were mentioned and identified a character trait associated with each one. 

After hearing Ted talk about these cards I knew they would be a great tool for Melissa and I to use in teaching our children the ways of God. As soon as the conference concluded we made our way to the product table to purchase a set, however, before we could buy them for ourselves a couple from our church bought them for us (thanks Phil & Jeannie).

We have been using them with our children at night before bedtime and they are not only learning they are loving it too. In fact, they look forward to it. Every night as we are preparing for bedtime at least one of them will say “are we going to do the cards tonight?” What daddy and mommy doesn’t like to hear that kind of enthusiasm from their children about daily devotions? As parents our hearts have soared this past week as we have seen the eagerness of our children to discover what they are going to learn next from one of these animals.

The influence these cards are already having on of our children was confirmed to me yesterday. As I was getting ready to walk out the door with my daughters to take them to school I said to them “remember to be an ant today and work hard at everything you do.” My three and a half-year old son was sitting on the couch and after hearing what I said he spoke up and said “don’t be a sluggard”. THAT was all I needed to hear to know the value of these cards.

If you would like to buy a set you can find them at this link. I don’t receive anything from you buying these cards except the joy of knowing that you’re going to see your children learning about God and loving every minute of it. That to me is worth every word of this post.